Wednesday, February 15, 2012

To Be the Hands of Christ

This morning I was inspired, rebuked and challenged by reading from Ministry of Healing. What a wonderful book to read! 

“All around us are afflicted souls. Here and there, everywhere, we may find them. Let us search out these suffering ones and speak a word in season to comfort their hearts. Let us ever be channels through which shall flow the refreshing waters of compassion” MH158.

I realized that I am privileged to be spared from having to search for those suffering ones. Lord, you placed me in the infirmary of those who are discouraged, torn by burdens, pain and hopelessness. Devil is triumphant seeing those poor children of yours entangled in chaos, disease, infirmities, facing death. Help me to ever be the channel through which You can reveal the sweetness of Your character. Help me ever to be that there, for to you reveal your compassion and be a vessel through which you will lift the fallen and bring hope to the hopeless, healing to the ill, courage to the discouraged, strength to the helpless.

And thank you for the encouragement and promise You giving me: “There is no limit to the usefulness of one who, putting self aside, makes room for the working of the Holy Spirit upon his heart and lives a life wholly consecrated to God. All who consecrate body, soul and spirit to His service will be constantly receiving a new endowment of physical, mental, and spiritual power” MH 159.