Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Exchanged Life

Once it was the blessing, now it is the Lord;
Once it was the feeling, now it is His Word;
Once His gifts I wanted, now the Giver own;
Once I sought for healing, now Himself alone.
Once ‘twas painful trying, now ‘tis perfect trust;
Once a half salvation, now the uttermost;
Once ‘twas ceaseless holding, now He holds me fast;
Once ‘twas constant drifting, now my anchor’s cast.
Once ‘twas busy planning, now ‘tis trustful prayer;
Once ’twas anxious caring, now He was the care;
Once ‘twas what I wanted, now what Jesus says;
Once ‘twas constant asking, now ‘tis ceaseless praise.
Once it was my working, His it hence shall be;
Once I tried to use Him, how He uses me;
Once the power I wanted, Now the Mighty One;
Once for Him I labored, now for Him alone…
                                                            Dr. A. B. Simpson

1 comment:

  1. Ahh...Inga!
    Those few words, they moved me to tears...
    How I needed them yesterday. I fell asleep thinking on them, and this morning, my heart clings to them...

    I must re-read a certain chapter by the same title...

    Thank-you friend--your post blessed me more than I can express.
